2017-2018 Catalog

Mathematics Associate of Science

My Academic Plans (MAPs) are designed by faculty to better guide you in retention and completion. It is highly encouraged that you complete courses in the recommended order provided below in the notes section. You should work with an academic advisor to adjust your plan based on your scheduling needs.

My Academic Plan

Program Mission & Description

Ideal starting point to transfer and acquire a bachelor’s and/or graduate degree in mathematics. Also includes many of the courses required in other fields such as Engineering or Computer Science.

Mathematics Degrees
Mathematics AS Degree Required Courses

Learn more about gainful employment

Career Opportunities

- Data Science: extracting meaning from large data sets for a wide variety of purposes.

- Quality Control: improving products and process through data analysis

- Software Engineer: create programs in a variety of languages (with a minor or double-major in computer science).

- Actuary: financial forecasting for insurance and investments

- Industrial research of all types, including marketing and financial analysis.

- Statistician: statistical analysis, “big data”


- Teaching at the middle- or high-school level.

- Teaching at the college level (requires masters or PhD)

- Teaching and conducting research at the university level (requires PhD)


- National Security Agency (NSA) – the single largest employer of mathematicians in the US

- Government Labs in all areas of research: including medicine, meteorology, economics and urban planning

Transfer Degree: With this degree you can enter as a junior majoring in Math at the following four-year schools:

- Adams State University

- Colorado Mesa University

- Colorado State University-Fort Collins

- Colorado State University-Pueblo

- Fort Lewis College

- Metropolitan State University of Denver

- University of Colorado-Boulder

- University of Colorado-Colorado Springs

- University of Colorado-Denver

- University of Northern Colorado

- Western State Colorado University

First Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. The Mathematics Faculty recommend you take your math courses in consecutive semesters (without taking a semester off, except possibly summer). The math in these courses build heavily on each other and taking courses in consecutive semesters increases skill retention. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows.

MAT- REQMathematics: ___________


ENG 121English Composition I


PHI 113Logic


GT- SSSocial & Behavioral Sciences (GT-SS): ___________


CSC 119Introduction to Programming


Total Credit Hours:15-17

Second Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows.

MAT- RE1Mathematics: ___________


CSC 160Computer Science I: (Language)


ENG 122English Composition II


GT- AHArts & Humanities: ___________


Total Credit Hours:14-15

Third Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows.

MAT- RE1Mathematics: ___________


PHY 211Physics: Calculus-Based I with Lab


GT- AHArts & Humanities: ___________


GT- SSSocial & Behavioral Sciences (GT-SS): ___________


Total Credit Hours:15-16

Fourth Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. Semester Four elective credits may vary depending on prior semester completion. You must complete a minimum of 60 credits to meet graduation requirements. You should not exceed 62 credits. You may want to check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress. 

MAT- RE1Mathematics: ___________


PHY 212Physics: Calculus-Based II with Lab


COM- REQCommunication: __________


GT- HI1History (GT-HI1): __________


ELC LS1Elective: ___________


Total Credit Hours:16-17

Total Credit Hours: 60-62