2017-2018 Catalog

Biology Associate of Science

My Academic Plans (MAPs) are designed by faculty to better guide you in retention and completion. It is highly encouraged that you complete courses in the recommended order provided below in the notes section. You should work with an academic advisor to adjust your plan based on your scheduling needs.

My Academic Plan

Program Mission & Description

What does a Biologist do?

- Collects and analyzes biological data about relationships among and between organisms and their environment

- Supervises biological technicians and technologists and other scientists

- Programs and uses computers to store, process and analyze data

- Prepares technical and research reports such as environmental impact reports, and communicates the results to individuals in industry, government, or the general public

- Develops and maintains liaisons and effective working relations with groups and individuals, agencies, and the public to encourage cooperative management strategies or to develop information and interpret findings

- Prepares requests for proposals or statements of work

- Represents employer in a technical capacity at conferences

- Studies and manages wild animal populations

- Studies aquatic plants and animals and environmental conditions affecting them such as radioactivity or pollution

- Studies basic principles of plant and animal life such as origin, relationship, development, anatomy, and function

Learn more about gainful employment

Career Opportunities

A degree in Biology opens the door to careers as a:

- Doctor
- Researcher
- Teacher
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist

AS in Biology

First Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. You should be MAT 201 and CHE 111 ready. If you are not prepared for MAT 201 or CHE 111, you should take the needed prerequisites, MAT 121, MAT 166 or CHE 101, in your first semester.

ENG- REQEnglish: ___________


BIO 111General College Biology I with Lab


GT- AHArts & Humanities: ___________


GT- SSSocial & Behavioral Sciences (GT-SS): ___________


Total Credit Hours:14

Second Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows.

ENG- REQEnglish: ___________


BIO 112General College Biology II with Lab


CHE 111General College Chemistry I with Lab


GT- HI1History (GT-HI1): __________


Total Credit Hours:16

Third Semester

Courses should be completed in the order listed below. If you are unable to complete the entire semester list, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows.

SCI- ELCElective: ___________


CHE 112General College Chemistry II with Lab


PHY 111Physics: Algebra-Based I with Lab


Total Credit Hours:14-15

Fourth Semester

PHY 112Physics: Algebra-Based II with Lab


MAT 201Calculus I


GT- SSSocial & Behavioral Sciences (GT-SS): ___________


GT- AH1Arts & Humanities: ___________


Total Credit Hours:16

Total Credit Hours: 60-61