2016-2017 Catalog

Dental Assisting - Certificate

This certificate program offers a challenging career in the rapidly growing field of dental assisting. In addition to assisting dentists in all phases of dental treatment, dental assistants are valuable members of the dental team with skills in office management, clinical assisting, laboratory procedures, dental radiography, and infection control.

Infection Control is based on the concept of Standard Precautions. Standard Precautions refers to an approach to infection control that assumes all human blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM's) of all patients are potentially infected with HIV, HBV, HCV or other bloodborne pathogens. Standard Precautions are intended to prevent health care workers from parenteral, mucous membrane and non-intact skin exposure to bloodborne pathogens while carrying out the tasks associated with the dental assisting occupation.

The Front Range Dental Clinic, staffed by licensed dentists, provides a portion of the clinical experience, as well as an internship feature of the program. Each student must take three sequential clinical courses, without a semester break between the experiences. If for some reason the student must miss a semester of clinicals, the student will need to repeat the prior clinical experiences. These clinical hours exceed the required the 300 clock hours of the American Dental Association.

In order to graduate, a grade of "C" or better is required to all courses to receive a certificate. Completion of radiology courses qualifies students to take radiographs in the State of Colorado.

Students must submit to a criminal background check and drug screening prior to entering their Clinical Internship I. Students are responsible for the cost of these tests.

The Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association accredits the program, a special accrediting body recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and by the U.S. Department of Education. Graduates are eligible for the Dental Assisting National Board Examination. Students must have a high school diploma or GED.


Assessment testing is required for all students. Students who are reading at college-level and place into CCR 093 or above and MAT 050 or above may begin this program of study. Students scoring below this level should consult with a Faculty Member before registering for courses in this program of study.

Required Courses

DEA 102Principles of Clinical Practice


DEA 104Specialties in Dentistry


DEA 111Dental Office Management


DEA 120Introduction to Dental Practices


DEA 121Dental Science I


DEA 122Dental Science II


DEA 123Dental Materials I


DEA 124Dental Materials II


DEA 125Dental Radiography


DEA 126Infection Control


DEA 131Dental Radiography II


DEA 132Medical Emergencies in the Dental office


DEA 134Prevention and Nutrition in Dentistry


DEA 181Clinical Internship I


DEA 182Clinical Internship II and Seminar


DEA 183Clinical Internship III


Select one course (3 credits) from the Approved General Education Electives List for the AAS degree.

Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 46

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