Cloud Computing and Virtualization

This certificate is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment. It will offer students an opportunity to study technology that is being broadly adopted and implemented by many organizations of all types and sizes. The courses are designed to provide students with the technical skills required to install, configure and/or manage many facets of a “cloud” infrastructure.


Students must demonstrate course proficiency or course completion of CNG 120 A+ Certification Preparation or both CNG 121 Computer Technician I: A+ and CNG 122 Computer Technician II: A+ or permission of the Program Director.

Students are strongly advised to meet with the Program Director before starting this degree pathway to obtain advisement and proper sequencing of courses.

Required Courses

CNG 124Networking I: Network +


CNG 142Intro to Cloud Computing Concepts


CNG 240Virtual Environment Admin


Select one course (3 credits) from the following:

CNG 241Information Storage and Management


CNG 242Cloud Computing


CNG 243Cloud Security and Cyber Law


Total Credit Hours: 12