Manufacturing and Energy Technology - Associate of Applied Science Degree
The focus of this program is to prepare individuals for entry-level work in the growing clean energy industry, as well as careers in manufacturing and conventional energy. The program includes a one-year certificate that forms the basis for a two-year Associate of Applied Science Degree. The first year will focus on developing a fundamental set of skills that apply to the broad range of industries in the region. Skills include Energy and Manufacturing Fundamentals, Safety, Engineering Materials, Industrial print reading, AC/DC Electrical Fundamentals, Metrology, and Teamwork and Communications. Year two will provide students with the opportunity to broaden and apply these fundamental skills in a hands-on laboratory setting using industry-standard equipment and techniques.
Assessment testing is required for all students, although in some cases, recent transcripts or ACT/SAT test scores take the place of assessment testing. Students who place into CCR 093 or above and MAT 050 or above may apply to begin this program of study. Students scoring below this level should consult with FRCC advising before applying for this program of study. The above course prerequisites must be successfully completed before a student can apply for entry into this program. The Manufacturing and Energy program website listed below has detailed information regarding applying for acceptance into the program.
All courses applied to the degree must be completed with a grade of "C" or above.
For more information, or to apply for the program, visit the Manufacturing and Energy Technology program website at or email
Required Core Courses
MTE 105 | Safety for Manufacturing Environments | 1 |
MTE 106 | Print Reading for Manufacturing | 3 |
MTE 130 | Metrology | 3 |
ELT 106 | Fundamentals of DC/AC | 4 |
ENY 161 | Energy Industry Fundamentals | 4 |
EGT 201 | Engineering Materials | 3 |
MTE 135 | Lean Six Sigma | 4 |
ELT 107 | Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics | 3 |
ELT 147 | Digital Devices I | 4 |
ENY 122 | Wind Energy and Photovoltaics | 3 |
PPT 105 | Basic Plant Operation | 2 |
PPT 116 | Instrumentation and Control | 3 |
ELT 205 | Electronic Troubleshooting I | 3 |
ELT 258 | Programmable Logic Controllers | 3 |
MTE 238 | Industrial Fluid Power & Controls | 3 |
MTE 280 | Internship: Manufacturing | 1 |
| or | |
MTE 289 | Manufacturing Capstone | 1 |
Total Credit Hours: | 47 |
Required General Education Courses
COM 125 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
ENG 115 | Technical English and Communication | 3 |
MAT 108 | Technical Mathematics | 4 |
PHI 112 | Ethics | 3 |
PHY 105 | Conceptual Physics with Lab | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
Total Credit Hours: 64