2015-2016 Catalog

ENY 122 Wind Energy and Photovoltaics

Prepares students for entry level, technical positions in the growing fields of wind and solar photovoltaic systems. Introduces various aspects of wind and solar photo voltaic (PV) power systems. Covers the current state of wind and PV systems in the U.S. and the world briefly. Covers the basic elements of wind power systems including wind energy mapping, site selection, wind turbine components, and power vs. speed calculations including a brief overview of electric generators and speed control. Covers basic elements and operation of photovoltaic power systems including common types of PV cell technologies, PV array structure, and the electrical properties of PV arrays. Discusses efficiency factors such as sun intensity and angle, and the shadowing. Discusses the system integration elements of wind and PV systems including batteries, basic power electronics, and off-grid and on-grid connected systems. Discusses regulatory and safety issues associated with grid-tied systems.




ELT 106