2015-2016 Catalog

Horticulture and Landscape Technologies

This program prepares students for a wide range of careers in landscape contracting, ornamental horticulture and urban farming. Specialty certificates provide entry-level career preparation in horticulture or allow individuals already working in horticulture to upgrade or expand their skill sets. Students may complete some courses, enter the workforce, and then return at any time to complete the degree.


Students planning to complete a baccalaureate degree in Horticulture with a concentration in Horticulture Business at Colorado State University are encouraged to enroll in the program of study outlined by the Statewide Horticulture Business Management articulation agreement or to seek advice from a HLT Program Director or CSU transfer advisor before enrolling in coursework. The transfer agreement can be found at: http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Transfers/Agreements/horticulture.pdf