Infant-Toddler Nursery Supervisor

This certificate provides students with a solid foundation in the growth and development of infants and toddlers, plus advanced exposure in developing and implementing appropriate nurturing and developmental experiences. Working closely with parents is incorporated, as well as the issues of early intervention, high risk, and developmental delays. This certificate meets the State of Colorado requirements for Infant-Toddler Nursery Supervisor.


Required Courses

ECE 111Infant and Toddler theory and Practice


ECE 112Introduction to Infant/Toddler/Lab Tech


ECE 256Working with Parents and Families


ECE 260Exceptional Child


HWE 141Infant Nutrition


Total Credit Hours: 13

Students enrolling in ECE 112 must pass a criminal background check before they are allowed to start their practicum hours with children. Contact your home campus ECE Program Director if you are enrolling in an on-campus section of a practicum course or the FRCC – ECE Online Lead if you are enrolling in an online section of a practicum course for information on how to complete the background check process.

Note: The prerequisite for ECE 260 is ECE 238. For this certificate only ECE 111 will substitute for ECE 238. Students who place into CCR 093 or above may begin the coursework for this certificate. Students scoring below this level should consult with a faculty member before registering for courses in this program of study.