2015-2016 Catalog

Early Childhood Education - Associate of Applied Science Degree

This program provides training for those who want to pursue a career involving the care and education of young children from birth through age eight. Courses in theory and internship are combined to provide a comprehensive base of growth and development. Early intervention, high-risk, gifted, and developmentally delayed issues are included. The program meets or exceeds all Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood licensing requirements. Those working with very young children need to be in good health and able to lift and carry young children comfortably.


Students must earn a grade of ā€œCā€ or above in all required courses applied to a certificate or degree.

Assessment testing is required for all students. Students who place into CCR 093 or above and MAT 050 or above may begin coursework for the Early Childhood Education AAS and AA degrees. Students who place into CCR 093 or above may begin coursework for the Early Childhood Education Certificates. Students scoring below this level should consult with a faculty member before registering for courses in this program of study.

Students enrolling in ECE 102, ECE 112, ECE 124, ECE 180, ECE 188, ECE 280, and ECE 288 must pass a criminal background check before they are allowed to start their practicum hours with children. Contact your home campus ECE Program Director if you are enrolling in an on-campus section of a practicum course or the FRCC ā€“ ECE Online Lead if you are enrolling in an online section of a practicum course for information on how to complete the background check process.

Required Courses

ECE 101Introduction to Early Childhood Education


ECE 102Introduction to Early Childhood Lab Techniques


ECE 103Guidance Strategies for Children


ECE 111Infant and Toddler theory and Practice


ECE 188Practicum


ECE 205Nutrition, Health and Safety


ECE 220Curriculum Development: Methods and Techniques


ECE 236Child Growth/Development Laboratory


ECE 238Child Growth and Development


ECE 240Administration of Early Childhood Care and Education Programs


ECE 241Administration: Human Relations for Early Childhood Education


ECE 256Working with Parents and Families


ECE 260Exceptional Child


ECE 288Practicum: Early childhood Education


ECE Electives (any 3 ECE credits)


Total Credit Hours:45
*Students may complete ECE 188 for 4 credits to complete the AAS degree requirement or for 1 credit to complete the AA degree requirement.

Required General Education Courses

COM 115Public Speaking


ENG 121English Composition I


MAT 107Career Mathematics




Total Credit Hours:9
If students are pursuing both the AAS and the AA in ECE please consult with a program advisor before completing the mathematics requirement.

Arts and Humanities (select one)

ART 110Art Appreciation


LIT 115Introduction to Literature I


LIT 255Children's Literature


MUS 120Music Appreciation


Total Credit Hours:3

Social and Behavioral Sciences (select one)

GEO 105World Regional Geography


HIS 121U.S. History to Reconstruction


POS 111American Government


Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 60

Colorado Child Care Licensing Requirements

Many positions in Colorado early childhood programs require employees to meet, at minimum, the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood requirements for Early Childhood Teacher (ECT). ECT and Director qualified requirements include a combination of verifiable experience and post-secondary education. Please contact the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood to determine which requirements you need.

Contact an ECE faculty advisor for additional information concerning the course requirements.


The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges to disclose a variety of information for any financial-aid-eligible program that "prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation." The information provided here is the best available to us but represents one year's data only. We hope that this information is helpful to our current students and to prospective students as they make their career and educational choices. For more Gainful Employment information, please go to the FRCC website: www.frontrange.edu/GainfulEmployment.