2024-2025 Catalog

Business Associate of Applied Science

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Academic Advisor.

Program Description

This program is designed for students wanting to complete a two-year AAS Degree in Business and enter the workforce. Students explore business, accounting, marketing, management, and legal principles. Students interested in transferring to Colorado public four-year universities may complete an AA in Business. Some careers may require a Bachelor's degree. Careers will allow the student to work in business, industry, government, and other organizations.

Learn more about this program.

What You Will Learn

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:
 1.  Prepare effective business written communications
 2.  Identify different types of business organizations
 3.  Demonstrate basic software program skills for organizing and managing data
 4.  Demonstrate effective business presentation skills
 5.  Develop teamwork skills
 6.  Analyze financial ratios
 7.  Discuss issues in ethics and corporate social responsibility
 8.  Apply critical thinking skills to business scenarios
 9.  Prepare an effective resume and cover letter targeted to a specific job
10. Demonstrate double entry accounting

First Semester

ENGLISH Composition I/II (ENG 1021/22) or Technical Writing (ENG 1031)


BUS 1015Introduction to Business


CIS 1018Introduction to PC Applications


COM 1150 or COM 1250 Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250)


MAT 1340 or MAT 1320 or MAT 1400 College Algebra (MAT 1340) or Finite Math (MAT 1320) or Survey Calculus (MAT 1400) or higher


Total Credit Hours:16

Semester Note:  If you intend to transfer to a Colorado public four-year college/university, you should view the Business AA degree MAP and complete a degree change form. If you take COM 1250 for the Communication requirement and switch to the Business AA, it will count as an elective in the Business AA degree. Whereas COM 1150 is required for the Business AA and would count towards a required course.

Second Semester

ECO 2002Principles of Microeconomics: GT-SS1


ACC 1011Intro to Financial Accounting


BUS 2016Legal Environment of Business


BUS 2017Business Communications and Report Writing


PHI 2005 or MAN 2030Business Ethics (PHI 2005) or Corp Ethics (MAN 2030)


Total Credit Hours:15

Semester Note:  Faculty recommend students take ACC 1011. If you have already taken ACC 1021 it will fulfill the ACC requirement and the extra credit will count towards elective credits.

If you take MAN 2030 for the Ethics requirement and switch to the Business AA, it may count as an elective in the Business AA degree. Whereas PHI 2005 is required for the Business AA and would count towards a required course.

Third Semester

BUS 2026Business Statistics


ECO 2001Principles of Macroeconomics: GT-SS1


MAN 2026Principles of Management


MAR 2016Principles of Marketing


ACC 1012 or MAN 2025 or BUS 1016Intro Managerial Accounting (ACC 1012) or Managerial Finance (MAN 2025) or Personal Finance (BUS 1016)


Total Credit Hours:15

Semester Note:  Upon completion of BUS 1015, ACC 1011, BUS 2017, and BUS 2016, MAN 2016, MAN 2026, MAR 1055, or MAR 2016,  you should apply for the Foundations of Business Certificate.

Fourth Semester

ELECTIVE Any Business or Management Course


ELECTIVE Any Marketing Course


COMPUTER ELECTIVE Any Computer Technology Elective from CIS, CWB, CNG or MGD Course


ELECTIVE Internship (BUS 2081/2082, ACC 2080, MAN 2080, MAR 2080) or Any Approved Elective List Course


BUS 2081 or BUS 2089 Internship (BUS 2081) or Capstone (BUS 2089)


Total Credit Hours:14

Semester Note:  Upon completion of BUS 2017, MAN 2024, and MAN 2026, you should apply for the Foundations of Leadership & Management Certificate.

Upon completion of MAN 2041, MAN 2043, and CIS 2002, you should apply for the Project Management Certificate.

Upon completion of BUS 1015, ACC 1011, BUS 2017, and BUS 2016, MAN 2016, MAN 2026, MAR 1055, or MAR 2016, you should apply for the Foundations of Business Certificate.

Upon completion of MAN 2025, BUS 1002 or MAN 2016 or MGD 2068, BUS 2016 or BUS 2018, 3 credits of MAR electives and 3 credits of Computer electives, you should apply for the Small Business Ownership Certificate.

Total Credit Hours: 60

Important Program Notes: 

You must enroll in BUS 2081 or BUS 2089 in your final semester.

This degree is designed for students wanting to complete a two-year AAS Degree in Business and enter the workforce.

If you intend to transfer to a Colorado public four-year college/university, you should view the Business AA degree MAP.

If you take ACC 1021 for the Accounting requirement, you will exceed 60 credits by 1 credit.

You must complete a minimum of 60 credits to complete this degree. If receiving financial aid, you should only take courses and credits as required for this degree. Check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress.