2025-2026 Catalog

Course List A-Z

Courses are listed by subject area/prefix (e.g. ACC) and title (e.g. Accounting) for each discipline. Simply click the link for a drop-down menu to view the entire catalog listing of courses for the specified discipline.

Course Basics 101

- Each course title begins with a three-letter subject area and the course number (e.g., ENG 1021).

- Each course includes a brief course description, credits, contact hours, and Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s) if required for the course.

- A Prerequisite must be taken before entering a course. A Corequisite must be taken prior to, or concurrently with, a course.

- Contact Hours indicate the total number of class hours during the term. Some courses require a course fee.

- To view available classes offered by semester, please visit our Online Class Search via eWOLF and select the term and subject of interest to get started, or speak with an Academic Advisor.

AAA -Advancement of Academic Achievement

ACC -Accounting

AEC -Architectural Engineering/Construction Technology

AIR -Air Force R.O.T.C.

ANT -Anthropology

AQT -Aquaculture

ARA -Arabic

ARM -Army R.O.T.C.

ART -Art

ASE -Automotive Service Technology

ASL -American Sign Language

AST -Astronomy

BIO -Biology

BUS -Business

CAD -Computer Aided Drafting

CHE -Chemistry

CHI -Chinese

CIS -Computer Information Systems

CNG -Computer Networking

COM -Communication

Construction Technology

CRJ -Criminal Justice

CSC -Computer Science

CUA -Culinary Arts

CWB -Computer Web-Based

DAN -Dance

DEA -Dental Assisting

DEH -Dental Hygiene

ECE -Early Childhood Education

ECO -Economics

EDU -Education

EGG -Engineering

EGT -Engineering Graphics Technology

EIC -Electricity Ind-Commercial

ELT -Electronics

EMS -Emergency Medical Services

ENG -English

ENV -Environmental Sciences

ETH -Ethnic Studies

FER -Fermentation Science

FIN -Finance

FLD -Floral Design

FRE -French

FSW -Fire Science Wildland

GEO -Geography

GER -German

GEY -Geology

GIS -Geographic Information Systems

HIS -History

HIT -Health Information Technology

HLT -Horticulture & Landscape Technologies

HOS -Hospitality

HPR -Health Professional

HUM -Humanities

HVA -Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning

HWE -Health Wellness Education

HWY -Highway Maintenance Management

IHP -Integrative Health Professions

IND -Interior Design

ITA -Italian

JOU -Journalism

JPN -Japanese

LEA -Law Enforcement Academy

LIT -Literature

MAC -Machining Technology

MAN -Management

MAP -Medical Assisting Professional

MAR -Marketing

MAT -Mathematics

MET -Meteorology

MGD -Multimedia Graphic Design

MST -Massage Therapy

MTE -Manufacturing Technology

MUS -Music

NRE -Natural Resources

NUA -Nurse Aide

NUR -Nursing

Occupational Safety Technician

OTE -Optics Technology

OUT -Outdoor Studies

PAR -Paralegal

PED -Physical Education

PHI -Philosophy

PHT -Pharmacy Technician



PSC -Political Science

PSY -Psychology

REC -Recreation

RUS -Russian

SCI -Science

SOC -Sociology

SPA -Spanish

STE -Surgical Technology

TEL -Teaching ESL

THE -Theatre

TRE -Tree Care

VET -Veterinary Technology

WEL -Welding

WST -Women & Gender Studies