2025-2026 Catalog

HLT 2080 or HLT 2087 Internship (HLT 2080) or Cooperative Education (HLT 2087)

Select one Horticulture course from below.




HLT 2080    Internship 
HLT 2087  Cooperative Education   
  Total Credits 

Introduction to PC Applications
Introduction to PC Applications
Complete PC Database: ACCESS




These courses are available every semester. For the Landscape Design certificate, it is recommended that students complete their internship during the last Summer semester or later, after finishing HLT 2030 Landscape Design II. This assures the student has a skill and knowledge set that will allow the students to be successful in the work environment.

To enroll in one of these courses a student must present the Campus Program Director of the course with a signed training agreement prior to the start of the semester. Students should see their Campus’ Program Director to obtain the training agreement and other course requirements before visiting potential cooperators. To assure completion of the course requirements for this course, the students should begin the process of enrolling in this course (talking to the Program Director and finding a cooperator) early in the enrollment period before the start of the semester during which the student will be taking the class (i.e., March-April for Summer semester, July for Fall semester, or November-December for Spring semester).

HLT 2080 Internship is an unpaid, off-campus learning experience with a third party cooperator (business, municipality, or non-profit organization). HLT 2087 Cooperative Education is a paid off-campus learning experience with a third party employer.