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IND 2201 or Any AEC, CAD, or IND Course
IND 2300 or Any AEC, CAD, or IND Course
Any AEC, CAD, or IND Course
Area Technical College Certificate Credit
Associate Degree Credit
Associate Degree Credit
GIS 1001 or GIS 1031
Intro to GIS (1001) or Global Positioning Sys for GIS (1031)
AEC 1210 or EGT 1101 or Elective*
Basic Architectural Drafting (AEC 1210) or Mechanical Design I (EGT 1101) or Any CAD AAS Degree Elective*
CAD 2220 or CAD 2464 or Any CAD Course
Revit Architecture (CAD 2220) or Fusion/AutoDesk (CAD 2464) or Any CAD Course
AEC 1231 or EGT 2305 or Elective*
Residential Construction Drawing (AEC 1231) or Geometric Dimension/Tolerance (EGT 2305) or Any CAD AAS Degree Elective*
ENG 1031 or ENG 1021 or ENG 1022
Technical Writing I (ENG 1031) or English Composition I (ENG 1021) or English Composition II (ENG 1022)
CAD 2210 or CAD 2540
Advanced Sketchup (CAD 2210) or 3DS/MAX (CAD 2540)
CAD 2221 or CAD 2455 or Any CAD Course
Advanced Revit Architecture (CAD 2221) or SolidWorks/Mechanical (CAD 2455) or Any CAD Course
General Education
Conceptual Physics (PHY 1105) or Intro to PC Applications (CIS 1018) or Any Art or Any World Language or Any GT Pathways
COM 1150 or COM 1250
Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250)
CAD 2080 or CAD 2089
Internship (CAD 2080) or Capstone (CAD 2089)
AEC 1520 or CAD 2456 or Elective*
Construction Materials/Systems (AEC 1520) or Advanced SolidWorks (CAD 2456) or Any CAD AAS Degree Elective*
CAD 2694 or Any CAD Course
3D Scanning & Modeling (CAD 2694) or Any CAD Course
CAD 2661 or Any CAD Course
Advanced 3D Printing (CAD 2661) or Any CAD Course
MATH 1140 or Higher
Career Mathematics (MAT 1140) or Higher
CAD 2210/2540/2220/2455 or Any CAD Course*
Any CAD AAS Degree Elective*
CAD 2694/2221/2456 or Any CAD Course*
Gen Edu
Any CIS or MGD from Approved Elective List
Any CAD Course*
CSC 1001 or CSC 1019
Principles of Computing (CSC 1001) or Introduction to Programming (CSC 1019)
General Education
Any Approved Elective List Course
CSC 1001 or CSC 1019
Principles of Computing (CSC 1001) or Intro to Programming (CSC 1019)
Intro to Cloud (CNG 1042) or Linux Config: OS (CNG 2001)
CNG 2002/2013/2030/2040
CNG 2003/2014/2031/2041/2043
Networking Elective
Any Networking & Visualization AAS Degree Elective*
CSC 1001 or CSC 1019
Principles of Computing (CSC 1001) or Intro to Programming (CSC 1019)
Networking Elective
Any Networking & Visualization AAS Degree Elective*
CNG 2030/2002
CNG 2013 if selecting CNG 2002 above
CNG 2040/2002/2013
CNG 2031/2003
CNG 2014 if selecting CNG 2003 above
CNG 2043/2041/2003/2014
CNG 1036/2015 if selecting CNG 2043 above
PSY 1001 or PSY 2440
General Psychology I (PSY 1001) or Human Growth & Development (PSY 2440)
BIO 1010 or BIO 1111
Biology Foundations (BIO 1010) or General College Biology I w/Lab: GT-SC1 (BIO 1111)
Any Clinical EMT Elective*
Clinical EMT Course
BUS 1002 or MAN 2016 or BUS 2017 or MAR 2016
Entrepreneurial Operations (BUS 1002) or Small Business Management (MAN 2016) or Business Communications (BUS 2017) or Principles of Marketing (MAR 2016)
GEO 1011 or GEY 1135 or GEY 1111
Physical Geography Landforms (GEO 1011) or Environmental Geology (GEY 1135) or Physical Geology (GEY 1111)
GIS 2080 or GIS 2089
Internship (GIS 2080) or Capstone (GIS 2089)
Gen Edu
Entrepreneurial Operations (BUS 1002) or Small Business Management (MAN 2016)
Entrepreneurial Operations (BUS 1002) or Small Business Management (MAN 2016) or Business Communications (BUS 2017) or Principles of Marketing (MAR 2016)
GEO 1011 or GEY 1135 or GEY 1111
Physical Geography Landforms (GEO 1011) or Environmental Geology (GEY 1135) or Physical Geology (GEY 1111)
GIS 2080 or GIS 2089
Internship (GIS 2080) or Capstone (GIS 2089)
CSC 1001 or CSC 1019
Principles of Computing (CSC 1001) or Introduction to Programming (CSC 1019)
MGD 1012 or MGD 1033 or MGD 1041
Adobe Illustrator I (MGD 1012) or Graphic Design I (MGD 1033) or Web Design I (MGD 1041)
Any GT-SC1
Any GT-SC1. Prefer: Conceptual Physics w/Lab (PHY 1105) or Science of Biology w/Lab ( BIO 1005) or Botany w/Lab (BIO 2121) or Chemistry in Context w/Lab (CHE 1005) or Phys Geo: Landforms w/Lab (GEO 1011)
Business Communications (BUS 2017) or Principles of Marketing (MAR 2016)
Entrepreneurial Operations (BUS 1002) or Small Business Management (MAN 2016)
HLT 2021 or HLT 2022
Woody Plants: Trees & Conifers (2021) or Woody Plants: Shrubs & Vines (2022)
HLT 1050/51 or 2102/2008
Irrigation I & II (HLT 1050 & 1051) or Plant Health Care (HLT 2102) and Pesticide Safety & Use (HLT 2008)
HLT 1050/2102
HLT 1051/2008
HLT 2021 or HLT 2022 or HLT 2023 or HLT 2024 or HLT 2026
Woody Plants: Trees & Conifers (HLT 2021), Wood Plants: Shrubs & Vines (HLT 2022), Annuals, Bulbs & Grasses (HLT 2023), Herbaceous Perennials (HLT 2024), or Interior Plants (HLT 2026)
HLT 2102 or HLT 2160
Plant Health Care (HLT 2102) or Plant Propagation (HLT 2160)
Human Nutrition (HWE 1050) or Dietary Nutrition (HPR 1010)
Patient Care Requirement Course
COM 1150 or COM 1250 or MTE 1110
Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250) or Applied Comm & Tmwrk Industry (MTE 1110)
COM 1150 or COM 1250 or MTE 1110
Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250) or Applied Comm & Tmwrk Industry (MTE 1110)
COM 1150 or COM 1250 or MTE 1110
Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250) or Applied Comm & Tmwrk Industry (MTE 1110)
COM 1150 or COM 1250 or MTE 1110
Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250) or Applied Comm & Teamwork (MTE 1110)
MAT 1140 or Higher
Career Mathematics (MAT 1140) or Higher
Associate Degree Credit
MAC 2043 or MAC 2040
Mastercam (MAC 2043) or CAD/CAM 2D (MAC 2040)
MAC 2043 or MAC 2040
Mastercam (MAC 2043) or CAD/CAM 2D (MAC 2040)
MAC 2040 or MAC 2043
Mastercam (MAC 2043) or CAD/CAM 2D (MAC 2040)
General Education
Personal Finance (BUS 1016), Intro to PC Applications (CIS 1018), Any Communication (COM), Any World Language Course (1001 or higher), or Any GT Pathways Course
MGD 1043 or MGD 1065
Motion Graphic Design I (MGD 1043) or After Effects I (1065)
MGD 1004 or MGD 1033 or MGD 1064 or ART 2405
Videography (MGD 1004), Graphic Design I (MGD 1033), Digital Video Editing I (MGD 1064), or Portrait Photography (ART 2405)
Digital Imaging Elective
Videography (MGD 1004), Graphic Design I (MGD 1033), Digital Video Editing I (MGD 1064), Videography II (MGD 2004), Management & Production (MGD 2059), Digital Video Editing II (MGD 2064), History of Photography (ART 1115), Color Photography I (ART 1404), Portrait Photography (ART 2405), or Photo Journalism (JOU 1021)
MGD Course
Any MGD Course. Prefer: Adobe Photoshop II (MGD 2011), Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012), or Point of Purchase Package Design (MGD 2002)
MGD 1043 or MGD 1053 or MGD 1064 or MGD 2056 or MGD 2012 or MGD 2059 or MGD 1401
Motion Graphic Design I: (Software) (MGD 1043), 3D Animation I (MGD 1053), Digital Video Editing I (MGD 1064), Graphic Design Production (MGD 2056), Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012), Management & Production (MGD 2059) or Digital Photography I (ART 1401)
MGD 1063 or MUS 1063
Sound Design I (MGD 1063) or Music Audio Production I (MUS 1063)
MGD 1063 or MUS 1063
Sound Design I (MGD 1063) or Music Audio Production I (MUS 1063)
MGD 1013 or MGD 1014 or MGD 1033
Adobe InDesign (MGD 1013) or Typography I (MGD 1014) or Graphic Design I (MGD 1033)
MGD 1013 or MGD 1014 or MGD 1033 or MGD 1058
Adobe InDesign (MGD 1013) or Typography I (MGD 1014) or Graphic Design I (MGD 1033) or Intro to UI/UX (MGD 1058)
Any Fundamentals in MGD Certificate Elective*
MGD Course
Any MGD Course. Prefer: Adobe Photoshop II (MGD 2011), Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012), Digital Video Editing I (MGD 1064) or Web Motion Graphic Design II (MGD 2043)
Motion Graphic Design I (MGD 1043) or After Effects (MGD 1065)
Animation Production (MGD 2057) or Game Design II (MGD 2067)
MGD 2011 or MGD 2012 or MGD 2002
Adobe Photoshop II (MGD 2011) or Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012) or Point of Purchase Package Design (MGD 2002)
MGD Course or ART 1401 or ART 2401
Any MGD Course. Prefer: Web Design I (MGD 1041), Motion Graphics I (MGD 1043), 3D Animation I (MGD 1053), Digital Video Editing I (MGD 1064), After Effects I (MGD 1065), Game Design I (MGD 1067) or Digital Photography I (ART 1401) or Digital Photography II (ART 2401)
Any MGD Course
Any MGD Course. Prefer: Design & Concept (MGD 2003), Adobe Photoshop II (MGD 2011), Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012), Point of Purchase Pkg Design (MGD 2002), Graphic Design Production (MGD 2056), or Management & Production (MGD 2059)
Gen Edu
Any Approved Elective List Course
MGD 1063 or MUS 1063
Sound Design I (MGD 1063) or Music Audio Production I (MUS 1063)
MGD Course
Any MGD Course. Prefer: Adobe Photoshop II (MGD 2011), Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012), Web Motion Graphic Design II (MGD 2043), or Management & Production (MGD 2059)
Gen Edu
Any Approved Elective List Course
MGD Course
Any MGD Course. Prefer: Adobe Photoshop II (MGD 2011) or Adobe Illustrator II (MGD 2012) or User Exp/Interface UX/UI (MGD 2058)
MGD 1013/1014/1033
Gen Edu
Any Approved Elective List Course
MUS 2084 or MUS 2089
Internship (MUS 2084) or Capstone (MUS 2089)
Any Music Course
MUS 2084 or MUS 2089
Internship (MUS 2084) or Capstone (MUS 2089)
Any Music Course
Any Music Course
Any Music Course
Any Music Course
Any Music Course
Any Music Course. Prefer: Music Theory Fundamentals I (MUS 1000)
MUS 2084 or MUS 2089
Internship (MUS 2084) or Capstone (MUS 2089)
Any Environmental Education Certificate Elective*
NRE 1100 or NRE 2205
Foundations of Forestry (NRE 1100) or Wildlife & Fisheries Mgmt Principles (NRE 2205)
Any Forestry Certificate Elective*
Any Natural Resources GIS Certificate Elective*
GIS 2010 or GIS 2012
Intermediate GIS (GIS 2010) or GIS Remote Sensing-Digital Image (GIS 2012)
NRE 2065 or REC 2012
Wilderness Education (NRE 2065) or Outdoor Recreation Programming (REC 2012)
AQT 2008 or Any Wildlife Certificate Elective*
Forestry Technology Elective
Career/Academic Readiness (NRE 1001) or Any Forestry Degree Elective*
Forestry Technology Elective
Wilderness Education (NRE 2065) or Principles Outdoor Recreation (REC 2010) or Any Forestry Degree Elective*
Forestry Technology Elective
Intermediate GIS (GIS 2010) or Environmental Education (NRE 2025) or Any Forestry Degree Elective*
NRE 2204/2032 or Any Forestry Degree Elective*
Natural Resources Technology Elective
Career/Academic Readiness (NRE 1001) or Any NRE Degree Elective*
Natural Resources Technology Elective
NRE 1214 or NRE 2245 or Any NRE Degree Elective*
NRE 2025 or NRE 2065 or REC 2010
Environmental Education (NRE 2025) or Wilderness Education (NRE 2065) or Principles Outdoor Recreation (REC 2010)
Natural Resources Elective
Any NRE Degree Elective*
Natural Resources Technology Elective
Any NRE Degree Elective*
Natural Resources Technology Elective
Any NRE Degree Elective*
Natural Resources Technology Elective
Any NRE Degree Elective*
Natural Resources Technology Elective
Any NRE Degree Elective*
NRE 2065 or REC 2010
Wilderness Education (NRE 2065) or Principles of Outdoor Recreation (REC 2010)
NRE 1110/1214/2015/2245 or Any NRE Degree Elective
Any NRE Degree Elective*
Wildlife Technology Elective
Career/Academic Readiness (NRE 1001) or Any Wildlife Degree Elective*
Wildlife Technology Elective
Any Wildlife Degree Elective*
Wildlife Technology Elective
Any Wildlife Degree Elective*
Wildlife Technology Elective
Any Wildlife Degree Elective*
Block Credit Transfer from Completed LPN Program
BIO 1010 or BIO 1111
Biology Foundations (BIO 1010) or General College Biology I w/Lab: GT-SC1 (BIO 1111)
BIO 1010 or BIO 1111
Biology Foundations (BIO 1010) or General College Biology I w/Lab: GT-SC1 (BIO 1111)
Paralegal Elective
Any Paralegal/Legal Assistant Certificate Elective*
PAR 1116/1118/1125/2206
BIO 1010 or BIO 1111
Biology Foundations (BIO 1010) or General College Biology I w/Lab: GT-SC1 (BIO 1111)
HPR 1045 or HPR 1039 or HPR 1040
Medical Record Terminology (HPR 1045) or Medical Terminology (HPR 1039) or Comprehensive Medical Terminology (HPR 1040)
VET 2070 or VET 2081
Clinical I (VET 2070) or Internship (VET 2081)
Up one level