2024-2025 Catalog

Fermentation Sciences Associate of Science

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Academic Advisor.

Program Description

Learn more about this program

First Semester

ENG 1021English Composition I: GT-CO1


BIO 1111General College Biology I w/Lab: GT-SC1


FER 1001Craft Beer Brewing


MAT 1340College Algebra: GT-MA1


Total Credit Hours:16

Second Semester

ENG 1022English Composition II: GT-CO2


ELECTIVE Any Approved Elective List Course


CHE 1011Intro to Chemistry I w/Lab: GT-SC1


CIS 1015 or CIS 1018Intro to Computer Information Systems (CIS 1015) or Intro to PC Applications (CIS 1018)


GT- HI1Colorado History (HIS 2135) or Any GT-HI1


Total Credit Hours:15

Third Semester

SOC 1001Intro to Sociology I: GT-SS3


BIO 2108General College Microbiology w/Lab: GT-SC1


GT- AHLIT 1015/2025/2068, PHI 2005, or Any GT-AH


COM 1150Public Speaking


Total Credit Hours:14

Fourth Semester

PHY 1111Physics: Algebra-Based I w/Lab: GT-SC1


GT- AHLIT 1015/2025/2068, PHI 2005, or Any GT-AH


GT-SS1 or GT-SS2Any GT-SS1 or GT-SS2. Microeconomics (ECO 2002) is recommended.


FER 2001 or FER 2003 Wine Fundamentals (FER 2001) or Fermented Foods Science (FER 2003)


Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 60

Important Program Notes:

Per the Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement (STAA), you may complete ENG 1021 (GT-CO1) and ENG 1022 (GT-CO2) OR ENG 1022 (GT-CO2) and gtPathways approved CO3 course (GT-CO3).

Per the Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement (STAA), Public Speaking (COM 1150) is the Oral Communication required course; College Algebra (MAT 1340) is the Mathematics (GT-MA1) required course; Intro to Sociology I (SOC 1001) and Any GT-SS1 or GT-SS2 is the Social & Behavioral Science (GT-SS) required courses; and General College Biology I w/Lab (BIO 1111) and Intro to Chemistry I w/Lab (CHE 1011are the Natural & Physical Sciences (GT-SC1) required courses.  

You must complete a minimum of 60 credits to complete this degree. If receiving financial aid, you should only take courses and credits as required for this degree. Check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress.