2023-2024 Catalog

Grades, Honors & Transcript Requests

Grades & Definitions

Achievement in a course is measured by meeting specific course objectives. At the beginning of a course, the instructor explains objectives and the criteria by which grades are assigned. For the following grade descriptions, "achievement" may be defined as successfully reaching a level of knowledge, understanding or competency. A Pass or "P" grade, is a "C" or better.

Grades are issued at the end of each semester and are not mailed. Students may access grades by logging into their account in eWOLF through www.frontrange.edu.

A Excellent or Superior
B Good
C Average
D Deficient
F Failure
I Incomplete
P Pass
P/A Satisfactory (A-level) work in a designated developmental course
P/B Satisfactory (B-level) work in a designated developmental course
P/C Satisfactory (C-level) work in a designated developmental course
F/D Unsatisfactory (D-level) work in a designated developmental course
F/F Unsatisfactory (F-level) work in a designated developmental course
Incomplete for developmental courses (rolls to F/F if not completed)
W Withdrawal (Student was withdrawn at their request after drop deadline)
Student was administratively withdrawn through appeal, no fault, etc.
Student was administratively withdrawn for cause
AU Audit
PLA Prior Learning Assessment Credit ("C" or better)
CR Credit
IP In Progress
NC Non-Credit
R Repeated Course
SP Satisfactory Progress
Z Grade not yet reported
Administrative Withdrawal (ENDED Spring 2022)

Grade Point Average (GPA):

Grade points measure the level of achievement for the credit hours completed. To calculate the GPA, multiply the number of grade points by the number of credit hours received for each course. Total the number of credits and the number of grade points separately. Divide the total grade points by the total credits.

A = 4 grade points

B = 3 grade points

C = 2 grade points

D = 1 grade point

F = 0 grade points


Course Credits Grade Grade Points GPA
MAT 1340 College Algebra 4 cr. C (2 pts) 8 2.0
HWE 1063 Fitness Condition. 2 cr. A (4 pts) 8 4.0
ENG 1021 English Comp I 3 cr. B (3 pts) 9 3.0
BIO 1005 Science of Biology 4 cr. B (3 pts) 12 3.0
TOTALS 13 Credits × Grade Point Total ÷Total Credits =GPA 37 2.845

Note: Credits transferred to FRCC from other institutions and developmental-level courses are not calculated in the GPA on the FRCC transcript.

Prerequisite Course Information

Prerequisite courses are courses that must be taken before entering another course. These are indicated in each course description in the catalog.

Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in the prerequisite course to enroll in the course which follows.

Courses that require a "B" or better are noted in this catalog. An earned grade of "D" or "F" will not satisfy the prerequisite requirement and will require the student to retake the course until a "C" or better is reached or repeat course limits are exhausted

Grades Required for Certificates & Degrees

Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for all courses applied toward an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of General Studies, or Associate of Applied Science degree. Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for all courses applied toward any certificate. Some programs or courses also require that students achieve specific grades or GPAs to continue in the program. Some certificate, associate degree or bachelor's degree programs may have more restrictive catalog year requirements and grade requirements, they may limit "P" (Pass) semester hours toward the degree and certificate.


Term Academic Honors:

FRCC provides an opportunity for students to be recognized with Academic Honors, on a term-by-term basis. The college has three recognized Honors: (1) Dean’s List, (2) Vice President’s List, and (3) President’s List. Students who qualify will receive a notation for that term on their official transcripts. Students must complete a minimum of 6 college-level credits during the term to be eligible for this recognition.

Term GPAs required to qualify for these Term Academic Honors are as follows:

Honor Required Term GPA 
Dean’s List 3.50 – 3.749
Vice President’s List 3.75 – 3.999
President’s List 4.00

Graduation Honors:

Graduation honors recognize outstanding academic achievement throughout a student’s academic career. The honors are awarded to students who complete the requirements for an associate degree and earn a 3.5 or better cumulative GPA at FRCC. Only completed college-level courses taken at FRCC will be included in the GPA calculation used for graduation honors. P grades and other grades for Developmental Education coursework are not included in the GPA calculation. The three levels of recognition are defined as follows and will be posted on the student’s transcript:

Honor Required Cumulative GPA
cum laude (“with honor”) 3.50 - 3.749
magna cum laude (“with great honor”) 3.75 - 3.99
summa cum laude (“with highest honor”) 4.00

Repeated Courses & Limits

Repeat Course Limits

  •  All college-level courses may be repeated. Each course registration and grade received will be listed on the transcript. The highest grade will be used in the GPA calculation. There will be no limitations on course grades that are eligible for repeat. All credit hours earned for initial and repeated courses will be deducted from a student’s remaining COF stipend eligible hours.
  • In the event that the same grade is earned two or more times for a repeated course, the most recent instance of the duplicate grade will be included in the term and cumulative GPA.

  • “Repeated” courses may be applied only one time to a certificate or degree, except for variable credit courses and designated courses that may be repeated for professional or personal development. The State Faculty Curriculum Committee will designate courses that may be “repeated” based on program requirements.

  • FRCC has the discretion to deny repeat enrollment in a course beginning with the second repeat on a case-by-case basis for reasons which may include, but are not limited to financial and educational best interests of the student and course availability. Repeating a course may impact the student's financial aid eligibility.

For Developmental Courses Only

The grading system for developmental courses changed beginning Fall 2006, and developmental grades are no longer included in the cumulative GPA calculation. However, if either the initial course or the repeated course (or both) were taken prior to 2006, then the student must complete a repeat course petition form for the developmental coursework and submit it to the Office of the Registrar.

Transcript Requests

Please note the following information when requesting an FRCC transcript:

  • Official transcripts are ordered online. Students can request and pay for an electronic or paper transcript via the student account in eWOLF or at www.frontrange.edu/transcripts. Electronic transcripts are delivered in a PDF format. Students who are not able to pay with a credit card can contact the Office of the Registrar for other options.
  • Transcripts are not released if a student has financial obligations to the college or another college in the Colorado Community College System.
  • Transcripts are released in accordance with FERPA. (See Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in the Legal Notices section of the catalog.)