2022-2023 Catalog

Health Information Technology Associate of Applied Science

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. This program functions as cohorts starting fall semester of each academic year. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Program Director or Pathways Advisor.

Program Description

This program is designed for students wanting to complete a two-year AAS Degree in Health Information Technology and enter the workforce. Students explore the medical information and records industry. With an AAS degree in Health Information Technology, students can enter a career as a health data analyst, insurance claims analyst, records technician specialist, release of information specialist, coder, patient information coordinator, or supervisor. Students may pursue careers in hospitals, physicians’ offices, nursing-care facilities, outpatient care centers, home-health-care services, public health departments, or insurance firms. Students learn how to acquire, analyze, and protect digital and traditional medical information. Students will learn the science of health information management plus the background they will need regarding legal, ethical, medical, and financial areas. Download the HIT Information Packet. Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics & Information Management (CAHIIM).

Learn more about this program.

First Semester

ENGLISH Composition I/II (ENG 1021/22) or Technical Writing (ENG 1031)


MATH Career Mathematics (MAT 1140) or Higher


CIS 1018Introduction to PC Applications


HPR 1045Medical Record Terminology


COM 1150 or COM 1250Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250)


GEN EDUPSY 1001/1002/2221/2440


Total Credit Hours:17

Second Semester

HIT 1001Health Information Management Science


HIT 1005Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement


HIT 1011Health Data Management & Information Systems


HIT 1022Workflow Fund of Healthcare


BIO 1006Basic Anatomy and Physiology


HPR 1032Disease Process and Treatment


Total Credit Hours:21

Third Semester

HIT 1012Legal Aspects for Health Records


HIT 2022Quality Management


HIT 2025Health Information Management


HIT 2020ICD Coding I


HIT 2021ICD Coding II


HIT 2031ICD Coding III


HIT 2041CPT Coding Basic Principles


Total Credit Hours:21

Semester Note: Upon completion of HPR 1045, BIO 1006, HPR 1032, HIT 1005, HIT 2020, HIT 2021, HIT 2031, and HIT 2041 and HIT 1089 you should apply for the Medical Coding Certificate.

Fourth Semester

HIT 1088Health Information Practicum I


HIT 2089HIT Capstone Course


Total Credit Hours:5

Total Credit Hours: 64

 Important Program Notes:

You must complete a minimum of 64 credits to complete this degree. If receiving financial aid, you should only take courses and credits as required for this degree. Check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress.