Medical Coding Certificate

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your certificate and should be completed in the order listed. This program functions as cohorts starting fall semester of each academic year. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Program Director or Pathways Advisor.

Program Description

This program is designed for students wanting to complete a one-year (two semester) Certificate in Medical Coding and enter the workforce. Students explore medical coding competencies. This certificate teaches students medical coding skills using the ICD classification system for hospitals, long term care facilities and physician practices. It prepares students for careers in health information management converting diagnoses and procedures from patient health records into the correct medical codes to ensure accurate billing and reimbursement.

Learn more about this program.

First Semester

HPR 1045Medical Record Terminology


BIO 1006Basic Anatomy and Physiology


HPR 1032Disease Process and Treatment


HIT 1005Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement


Total Credit Hours:14

Second Semester

HIT 2020ICD Coding I


HIT 2021ICD Coding II


HIT 2031ICD Coding III


HIT 2041CPT Coding Basic Principles


HIT 1089Practicum


Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 29