2022-2023 Catalog

ELECTIVE Any HLT AAS Degree Elective**

Select one HLT or FLD course. You may also select up to 10 credits from Horticulture AAS Degree Elective*. Horticulture faculty recommend any course from below:




HLT 1030   
Landscape Design I 3
HLT 1032 Sustainable Landscaping 3
HLT 1050 Irrigation I 3
HLT 1051 Irrigation II 3
HLT 1060  Greenhouse Management  4
HLT 2008
Pesticide Safety and Use  2
HLT 2010  Landscape Management 4
HLT 2011 Arboriculture 3
HLT 2021 Woody Plants: Trees & Conifers 3
HLT 2022 Woody Plants: Shrubs & Vines 3
HLT 2023 Annuals, Bulbs, and Grasses  2
HLT 2024  Herbaceous Perennials  4
HLT 2026  Interior Plants  2
HLT 2030 Landscape Design II 3
HLT 2032 Landscape Design III 3
HLT 2036 Landscape Construction 4
HLT 2037  Landscape Bidding & Estimating   
HLT 2102 Plant Health Care  4
HLT 2160 Plant Propagation 4




*Horticulture AAS Degree Elective: BIO 2121, CHE 1011, CHE 1111, CHE 2105, COM 1150, ECO 2001, ECO 2002, GEY 1111, MAT 1340, MAT 1440, PHY 1111, PHY 1112, PSY 1001, SPA 1011, or SPA 1012 or any HLT or FLD course.