A.G.S. Degree

This degree is designed for students who want to complete a broad program of both career and transfer courses without specialization. Transferability of the Associate of General Studies Degree depends on the courses taken and the requirements of the receiving institution.

Degree Requirements

Required General Education Courses

A minimum of 15 credits must be completed from approved gtPathways (Guaranteed Transfer) coursework.


Choose one course:

- ENG 121 or higher

- COM 115 or higher

Total Credit Hours:3


Take one course. Credits over 3 will be applied to electives.

- MAT 107 or higher

Total Credit Hours:3

Arts and Humanities

Take one course:

- ARA 101 or higher

- ART 107 or higher

- ASL 101 or higher

- CHI 101 or higher

- DAN 105 or higher1

- FRE 101 or higher

- GER 101 or higher

- HUM 103 or higher

- ITA 101 or higher

- JPN 101 or higher

- LIT 115 or higher

- MUS 100 or higher

- PHI 111 or higher

- RUS 101 or higher

- SPA 101 or higher

- THE 105 or higher

Total Credit Hours:3

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Take one course:

- ANT 101 or higher (excludes ANT 111(SC1: Natural and Physical Science)

- COM 220 (May fulfill this requirement OR Communication, but not both.)

- ECO 101 or higher

- ETH 200 or higher

- GEO 105; GEO 106; GEO 165; GEO 200

- HIS 101 or higher (excludes HIS 265 (CO3: Written Communication)

- POS 105 or higher

- PSY 101 or higher

- SOC 101 or higher

- WST 200 or higher

Total Credit Hours:3

Natural and Physical Sciences

Take one course. Credits over 3 will be applied to electives.

- ANT 111

- AST 101; AST 102

- BIO 105 or higher

- CHE 101 or higher

- ENV 101

- GEO 111; GEO 112, GEO 160

- GEY 111 or higher

- MET 150

- PHY 105 or higher

- SCI 105 or higher

Total Credit Hours:3


Select 15 credits from the Approved Elective List and any combination of 30 credits from general education courses and/or career-technical courses.

Log into eWOLF to see elective requirements in DegreeCheck.

Selection of elective credits should be done with an advisor and your intended transfer institution.

Total Credit Hours:45

Total Credit Hours: 60

Additional Graduation Requirements

  • A minimum of 15 credits must be completed from approved gtPathways (Guaranteed Transfer) coursework.
  • No developmental courses may be applied to this degree.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (all grades "C" or better) to be eligible to graduate.
  • Submit Graduation Application, transfer credits, and Prior Learning Assessment Credit to the Registrar's Office by published deadline.
  • Students must complete at least 25% of their degree/certificate credit requirements at Front Range in order to earn their award from Front Range.
  • Continuing students without a 12 month lapse in enrollment are allowed to select a catalog published during their enrollment that best aligns with their completed coursework toward their intended program of study.