2019-2020 Catalog


A variety of fees are charged at our campuses. The following fee descriptions explain the different types of fees and their purposes.

Registration Fee

A flat registration fee is charged each semester, regardless of the number of courses taken. This fee is refundable if all courses for the semester are dropped by their respective drop deadlines.

Course Fees

To cover the cost of consumable materials and supplies, some courses are assessed course fees. Certain courses and/or programs require services performed by outside parties.  One example is malpractice insurance.  A list of these fees can be found at https://www.frontrange.edu/tuition.

Getting ready to take your first FRCC classes? To view a full list of class, campus, lab kit, digital textbook, and other fees, click here. Then click on "See courses that require additional program fees" at the bottom, these are updated each semester.

Student Center-Campus Center Bond Fee

In 2013, students at the Larimer and Westminster campuses voted to approve new bonds or repurpose existing bonds for campus construction and renovation projects. The current fee amounts can be found on our website https://www.frontrange.edu/fees.

Student, Parking and Facility Fees

Student fees are charged at a per credit hour rate and support the operation of Student Life services and the maintenance of parking lots on each FRCC campus. These fees are subject to change. Student Life services include many of the programs and activities that supplement learning experiences at the college, including but not limited to campus events, student activities, students clubs, student organizations, student publications such as the Boulder County Sun, The Front Page, The Rangeview and the official Student Handbook. The current fee amounts can be found at our website, https://www.frontrange.edu/fees

Fee Disputes

Student fee proposals or any issues relating to student fees may be disputed by filing a formal written complaint (see Student Complaint/Grievance) with the Dean of Student Affairs. A formal, written complaint is one regarding some alleged type of adverse action against a student from a decision made by the institution or alleged violation of student rights. Fee assessments/increases approved at a student election are not subject to the dispute process.