2019-2020 Catalog

Academic Standing

Academic Standing applies to all students who have attempted 9 or more credits at a CCCS college, regardless of the number of term credits they attempt from that point forward. Academic Standing is determined following the posting of the majority of term grades for each semester. Students placed on probation or suspension (see definitions below) will be notified of their status. Suspended students will not be allowed to attend any CCCS college in the subsequent semester/s unless an appeal is approved (see appeal procedures below). Academic Standing status will be noted on the advising, official, and unofficial transcripts. The Academic Standing of a student is not specific or limited to the home institution; it does impact a student's enrollment at other CCCS colleges, as per CCCS ES 4-81.

Recognizing the value of measuring academic progress for all students, the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) has established the following procedure for measuring and notifying students of their academic standing. This procedure is intended to be informational and helpful, but also establishes clear standards of academic progress that must be met and maintained in order to be a successful student. A student's academic standing at FRCC will impact academic standing at another CCCS college.

All FRCC students are expected to achieve satisfactory academic progress. For students who have attempted fewer than nine (9) credit hours, the college will monitor academic progress through an Academic Alert process. These students are not subject to Academic Standing.

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Definitions, Standards, and Practices

- Abbreviations: Cumulative Grade Point Average = CGPA; Term Grade Point Average = TGPA.

- Only courses taken "in residence" will be used for this procedure; "in residence" means taken at the student's home institution. Courses taken elsewhere and transferred in do not apply. The GPA calculations for this procedure may not match those used for financial aid purposes or athletic eligibility.

- Academic Standing applies to all students who have attempted 9 or more credits while attending a college in the Colorado Community College System.

- During the student's first 8 credit hours of enrollment of college level coursework, FRCC will monitor satisfactory progress through the Academic Alert process.

- Initial Standing is assigned to students who have attempted fewer than 9 cumulative credit hours with a CGPA of greater than or equal to 2.00 for all classes attempted.

- Academic Alert is assigned to students who have attempted fewer than 9 cumulative credit hours with a CGPA of less than 2.00.

- Good Standing is assigned to students who have attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and have a CGPA of greater than or equal to 2.00 for all classes attempted.

- Academic Probation is assigned to students who have attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and have a CGPA of less than 2.00 for all classes attempted.

-Students who raise their CGPA to at least 2.00 during the Academic Probation term will be returned to Good Standing for the subsequent term.

- Students who earn a TGPA of at least 2.00 for all classes attempted during the Academic Probation term, but fail to raise their CGPA to 2.00 or above will be allowed to attend the next term, but will remain on Academic Probation. This is called Probation (Continuing).

- Students who earn a TGPA of less than 2.00 for all classes attempted during the Academic Probation term will be suspended and will not be allowed to enroll at any CCCS college for the next term, excluding summer term (as summer term may not be used as a "suspension term").

Academic Suspension Rules

- Summer term may not be used as a "suspension term".

- Summer term may be used to remediate (improve) the GPA. If a student wishes to enroll for summer term after being suspended, they will need to follow their home institution's appeal process.

- Initial suspension is for one term, excluding summer term.

- A second suspension is for two terms, excluding summer term.

- If a student who has served the suspension time for initial suspension or second suspension wishes to return, the student will be allowed to re-enroll only after meeting with an academic advisor at the CCCS College that the student wishes to attend. The student will be placed on Academic Probation. (See FRCC Academic Suspension Procedures).

- A third suspension is for two full years, or 4 academic terms excluding summers.

- If a student who has served the third suspension time of two years wishes to return, the student must meet with an academic advisor at the CCCS College that the student wishes to attend in order to get the suspension lifted.

FRCC Academic Suspension Procedures

- A student who has been placed on initial or second academic suspension status by any CCCS college may appeal the suspension for unusual or mitigating circumstances by meeting with their Pathways Advisor and submitting a College Wide Appeal Form. If the appeal is approved, students will remain on academic probation (continuing) and must complete the semester with a TGPA of 2.00 to continue enrollment.

- A student who has been placed on third suspension status by any CCCS college will not be permitted to appeal and must remain on suspension for two years.