Construction Fundamentals Certificate

The Construction Trades certificates prepare entry-level employees to enter into an apprenticeship or employer training program. Through exploration of the construction trades, a student will determine whether the trades are the career they wish to pursue as well as which trade to continue their training in. Certificate completion demonstrates to employers that job applicants are dedicated to their chosen trade, understand the process of construction, have been properly trained in OSHA safety standards, as well as the use of tools, and print reading. In addition to proficiency in essential entry-level skills, instruction in professionalism is embedded in all courses resulting in certificate completers with skills for learning, work ethic, and the attitudes that employers value most. Strong communication and support between industry partners, secondary partners, and FRCC ensures that curriculum is up-to-date and provides an employment advantage to certificate holders.


Required Courses

CON 110Introduction to Construction, Part 1


OSH 12710-HR Construction Industry Standards


CON 111Introduction to Construction, Part 2



CON 280Internship



CON 289Capstone: Construction


Total Credit Hours: 11