2015-2016 Catalog

Job Search and Internships

Job search assistance is available at the Boulder County, Larimer, and Westminster Campuses for students seeking jobs and career guidance. The Westminster Campus also serves Brighton Center students. Resources include:

  • Front Range Connect - an online job posting system
  • Job search skills, resources, and workshops
  • Labor market data
  • Resume writing assistance
  • Career fairs

Internships offer students the opportunity to earn college credit and gain practical work experience under the supervision of an experienced employer and college faculty member. Many program areas require internships for program completion. In programs that do not require an internship, it may be an approved substitute or elective. Contact program faculty for more information.

To participate in an internship, students must have:

  • Completed a minimum of 15 credit hours in their program of study
  • Maintained a cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Completed an internship application with a faculty recommendation
  • Obtained an internship job placement prior to enrollment in the internship course

Students are encouraged to apply for the internship at least one semester before the semester of internship. Assistance with obtaining an internship job placement is available on each campus. Students should consult an advisor regarding the transferability of internship credit.