2015-2016 Catalog

MAT 155 Integrated Mathematics I

Engages students in the concepts of school mathematics, the course will include the recognition of numerical and geometric patterns and their application to a variety of mathematical situations; mathematical problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, and communication; algebraic thinking, representation, analysis, manipulation, generalizations and extensions.




MAT 096, MAT 099 or MAT 050 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate diagnostic scores.


MAT 155 & MAT 156 are intended for Early Childhood Education & Elementary Education Students ONLY. Students who take MAT 155 & MAT 156 and who later change to a major outside Early Childhood Teacher Education & Elementary Teacher Education may not receive the guaranteed completion of lower division general education at the receiving 4-yr institution, as MAT 155 & MAT 156 are not gtPathways approved courses.