2015-2016 Catalog

Mission and Strategic Plan

Our Mission

At Front Range Community College, we enrich lives through learning.

Our Vision

Our vision is that all students at Front Range Community College will accomplish their educational and career goals. We will be recognized for our singular focus on student success, our exceptional teaching, our strong commitment to diverse learners and communities, and our effective business and community partnerships.

Our Strategic Priorities

Student Success

FRCC supports and improves student persistence and completion through instructional excellence, exceptional student support services, and a commitment to the understanding that learning happens everywhere. Faculty, instructors, and staff are well-versed in the scholarship of teaching and learning as it relates to their area of expertise, and receive meaningful professional development and training to enhance their respective practices and support innovation. We improve student success with careful assessment and measurement and a commitment to using data to make effective decisions.

Opportunities for Diverse Learners and Communities

Our student body reflects the diversity of our communities because we create learning environments that welcome diversity in all its forms and actively engage the growing minority communities in our service area. All students benefit from our college services, which are welcoming, easy to navigate, and focused on learning, growth, and development of the whole student.

Strong Partnerships

We are the first-choice educational partner for industry, K-12 education, and community organizations. Local businesses value us for our high-quality instructional services that respond to immediate and long-term industry needs. We work closely with our business and community partners to educate and train highly qualified employees, develop a strong regional workforce, and identify opportunities for appropriate and responsible program development; consequently, the state of Colorado views us as a vital component of building a robust workforce.

Culture of Collaboration, Innovation, and Pride

We recognize that the success of this plan rests on the success of our employees and their ability to be responsive, dynamic, and creative. We are committed to a culture that supports innovation, creativity, collaboration, healthy work-life balance, and excellence in all that we do. We support and encourage additional staff training and professional development. We invest appropriately in additional staff whenever possible and necessary to provide quality service to students and work-life balance for our employees.

Resource Development and Sustainability

We are mindful of the importance of holding our institution in trust for future generations. To that end, we invest in safe, appealing facilities that meet student and staff needs and are viable in the long-term on all campuses. We also continue to be committed to fiscal responsibility and efficiency in all operations. With state funding uncertain, we invest in successful grant development and fundraising to broaden our funding sources.