Computer Science Associate of Science

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Academic Advisor.

Program Description

What You Will Learn

Upon completion of the program you will be able to:
 1.  Demonstrate foundation skills in computer information systems, programming, database, and scripting
 2.  Interpret problem statements and create requirements to solve system-level problems
 3.  Compile a portfolio of work from technical courses
 4.  Prepare for industry certifications where applicable
 5.  Exhibit basic office application skills
 6.  Demonstrate appropriate work-ethic traits through personal conduct and effective teamwork
 7.  Display business soft skills such as technical writing, documentation, communications, ethics, and team work
 8.  Design and create programs with multiple control structures and subroutines
 9.  Design and create an object-oriented program
10.  Analyze a problem and develop an algorithm

First Semester

MAT 2410Calculus I: GT-MA1


ENG 1021English Composition I: GT-CO1


CSC 1060Computer Science I: (Language)


GT- AHPHI 1013 Logic or Any GT-AH Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Second Semester

MAT 2420Calculus II: GT-MA1


ENG 1022English Composition II: GT-CO2


CSC 1061Computer Science II: (Language)


GT- SSECO 2002 or Any GT-SS Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Third Semester

CSC 2065Discrete Structures


ELECTIVE MAT 2430/2431/2540 or CSC/MAT Elective Course*


CSC 2025Computer Arch/Assembly Language


GT- SC1PHY 1111/2111, CHE 1111, BIO 1111, GEY 1111, or Any GT-SC1


Total Credit Hours:15

Fourth Semester

GT- SC1/2PHY 1112/2112, CHE 1112, BIO 1112 or Any GT-SC1/2


ELECTIVE CSC 2034 or Any Approved Elective List Course


GT- HI1HIS 2015 or Any GT-HI1 Course


GT- AHPHI 1012/2018 or Any GT-AH Course


GT- SSECO 2001 or Any GT-SS Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 60

Important Program Notes:  Additional coursework might be required to meet Prerequisite requirements for Calculus I (MAT 2410). Prerequisite courses may apply toward elective credit hours.

The Computer Science Faculty recommend you take your Math courses in consecutive semesters (without taking a semester off, except possibly Summer). The Math in these courses build heavily on each other and taking courses in consecutive semesters increases skill retention.

Per the Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement (STAA), you may complete any GT-CO1 course plus any GT-CO2 course OR any GT-CO2 course plus any GT-CO3 course. Faculty recommend: ENG 1021 (GT-CO1) and ENG 1022 (GT-CO2) OR ENG 1022 (GT-CO2) and a gtPathways-approved CO3 course (GT-CO3). ENG 1031 (GT-CO1) OR ENG 1022 (GT-CO2) are required for Colorado School of Mines.

Per the Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement (STAA), select from GT-SC1 and GT-SC2 courses with at least one GT-SC1 course. GT-SC1 and GT-SC2 courses in sequence (same discipline) are recommended (and may be required depending on the receiving institution). Courses must be selected in consultation with your Front Range Community College Academic  Advisor as well as from the intended transfer institution, if known. Select a minimum of seven credits from GT-SC1 and GT-SC1/2. Additional credits in this area will be applied toward electives. If you are planning to transfer to Colorado School of Mines, select two courses from PHY 2111, PHY 2112, and CHE 1111.

FRCC requires CSC 2065 per this AS degree. CSC 2065 is a required course for students planning to transfer to Colorado State University, University of Colorado-Boulder, University of Colorado-Denver, and University of Northern Colorado. For Colorado School of Mines, students are advised to use any remaining free elective credits to take CHE 1111 or PHY 2112 (CSC 2065 will be accepted in transfer but the other courses are preferred). You should consult your Front Range Community College Academic Advisor as well as an academic advisor at the intended transfer institution for guidance. If these credits are not required for the major at a receiving 4-year institution, they will be applied to the Bachelor’s degree as elective credit toward graduation. If you are planning to not take CSC 2065 and take a different course, you will need to apply for a graduation exceptionPlease check with the receiving institution to determine in which way these courses will be applied.

If you take more credits in Mathematics and Science than are listed, it will reduce the 6 credits of electives needed

You must complete a minimum of 60 credits to complete this degree. If receiving financial aid, you should only take courses and credits as required for this degree. Check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress.