2024-2025 Catalog

MAT 2562 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

Select one Differential Equations course. Engineering Faculty recommend MAT 2562:

-If you choose to take MAT 2560 or MAT 2561 and MAT 2540, it will put you over 64 credits. The courses will transfer but the extra credits may not. ONLY MAT 2562 is offered at FRCC.




MAT 2562   Diff Eq/Linear Algebra OR

MAT 2560   

Differential Equations  AND
MAT 2540  Linear Algebra OR
MAT 2561 Diff Equ w/Engineering App AND    4
MAT 2540    Linear Algebra    3
  Total   4-7

ONLY MAT 2562 is offered at FRCC.
