2024-2025 Catalog

Associate of Arts in Public Health

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Academic Advisor.

Program Description

What You Will Learn

First Semester

ENG 1021English Composition I: GT-CO1


PSY 1001General Psychology I: GT-SS3


BIO 1004 or BIO 1111 Biology: A Human Approach (BIO 1004) or General College Biology I w/Lab (BIO 1111)


GT- AHAny Arts & Humanities (GT-AH) Course


Total Credit Hours:13

Second Semester

ENG 1022English Composition II: GT-CO2


MAT 1260Intro to Statistics: GT-MA1


BIO 1005 or BIO 1112 Science of Biology w/Lab (BIO 1005) or General College Biology II w/Lab (BIO 1112)


PSY 2440 or PSY 2552 Human Growth & Development (PSY 2440) or Abnormal Psychology (PSY 2552)


GT- AHAny Arts & Humanities (GT-AH) Course


Total Credit Hours:16

Third Semester

COM 1150 or COM 1250 or COM 2300Public Speaking (COM 1150) or Interpersonal Communication (COM 1250) or Intercultural Communication (COM 2300)


Any GT-MA1 or GT-SC1 or GT-SC2Any GT-MA1 or GT-SC1 or GT-SC2. Recommended: Environmental Science w/Lab (ENV 1111) or Microbiology w/Lab (BIO 2104)


SOC 2037 or ANT 2550 Sociology of Death & Dying (SOC 2037) or Medical Anthropology (ANT 2550)


PHI 1012 or PHI 1013 Ethics (PHI 1012) or Logic (PHI 1013)


GT- HI1Any History (GT-HI1) Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Fourth Semester

ELECTIVE Any GT or Approved Elective List Course


ELECTIVE Any GT or Approved Elective List Course


ELECTIVE Any GT or Approved Elective List Course


ELECTIVE Any GT or Approved Elective List Course


ELECTIVE Any GT or Approved Elective List Course


ELECTIVE Any GT or Approved Elective List Course


Total Credit Hours:16

Total Credit Hours: 60

Important Program Notes:

Students that took BIO 1111 and BIO 1112 will only need to take 14 credits of electives to complete the Associates of Arts in Public Health degree.

If you take more credits in mathematics and science than are listed, it will reduce the 16 credits of electives needed.

The Associates of Arts degree in Public Health is a Degree with Designation (DWD) with agreements with Fort Lewis College, University of Colorado Denver, and University of Northern Colorado. Students are encouraged to connect with the institution they plan to transfer to and work with a program advisor. This degree is meant to transfer to a 4-year college to complete an undergraduate program in Public Health or Human Services.