Landscape Design Certificate

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your certificate and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Academic Advisor.

Program Description

First Semester

HLT 1030Landscape Design I


HLT 1032Sustainable Landscaping


ELECTIVE Computer Aided Drafting 2D I (CAD 1101) or Sketchup (CAD 1110)


Total Credit Hours:9

Second Semester

HLT 2030Landscape Design II


INTERNSHIP Internship (HLT 2080) or Cooperative Education (HLT 2087)


Total Credit Hours:6

Third Semester

HLT 2032Landscape Design III


Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 18

Important Program Notes:

Students may begin this certificate at Larimer Campus, but may only be completed at Westminster Campus where all certificate classes are offered.

Horticulture faculty recommend students without plant identification skills take the HLT 2021, HLT 2022, HLT 2023 and/or HLT 2024 courses.

Additionally, HLT 2036 and HLT 2037 provide critical understanding to Landscape Design and are recommended, but are only offered at Larimer Campus.