Optics Technology Certificate

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your certificate and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Pathways Advisor.

Program Description

This program is designed for students wanting to complete a one-year (two semester) Certificate in Optics Technology and enter the workforce. Students explore the production processes of precision optics used in cameras, projectors, eye wear, microscopes, telescopes, appliances and binoculars. This certificate prepares students for entry-level technician positions in the optics manufacturing industry that includes metrology equipment and advanced CNC fabrication, optics fabrication and assembly. Students will learn about optical engineering drawings/prints, lean manufacturing, statistical process control, and geometric dimensioning and tolerancing for optics, focusing on the unique practices and toolsets within each. Students will prepare for working in laboratory and cleanroom environments. They will also acquire an understanding of thin film optical coatings and fiber optics.

Learn more about this program.

What You Will Learn

Upon completion of the program you will be able to:
 1.  Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and properties of light and lasers using basic geometric and physical optics
 2.  Demonstrate safe and proper handling and operation of optical components and test equipment
 3.  Use tools and techniques to measure optical system parameters; collect, organize, and interpret data to draw proper conclusions
 4.  Define and document the design intent using prints and the interpretation of tolerancing symbols
 5.  Understand, build and learn about electronics and electronic instrumentation as they apply to optics and photonics systems
 6.  Define and demonstrate optics manufacturing, fabrication, quality testing, and troubleshooting techniques with and without thin film coatings
 7.  Explain how efficient manufacturing processes affect optics manufacturing
 8.  Apply written and verbal communication skills to effectively execute work instructions and report information
 9.  Demonstrate optical alignment, build, and test of optical systems
10.  Understand and practice safe use of light sources, including lasers

First Semester

OTE 1001Quality Assurance of Precision Optics


OTE 1003Laboratory Operations


OTE 1005Fabrication Methods for Precision Optics


MAT 1150 or MAT 1340 or MAT 1420+Technical Mathematics (MAT 1150) or College Algebra (MAT 1340) or College Trigonometry (MAT 1420) or Pre-calculus (MAT 1440) or Calculus I (MAT 2410) or higher


Total Credit Hours:13

Second Semester

OTE 1002 or MTE 2220Optics: Intro to Manufacturing Tech (OTE 1002) or Lean Six Sigma (MTE 2220)


OTE 1030Metrology of Optical Systems


OTE 2005Adv Fabrication Precision Optics


CIS 1018Introduction to PC Applications


Total Credit Hours:13
Semester Note:  MTE 2220 is a Fall semester option, OTE 1002 is a Spring semester option.

Total Credit Hours: 26