2023-2024 Catalog

GT- HI1 Western Civ: Antiquity-1650 (HIS 1310) or The World: Antiquity-1500 (HIS 1110)

Select One History course from below.

Select one course one semester 

Course    Title  Credits 
HIS 1310    Western Civ: Antiquity-1650: HI1
HIS 1110    The World: Antiquity-1500: HI1 3
  Total Credits 3

Select next sequential course

HIS 1320     Western Civ: 1650-Present: HI1
HIS 1120    The World: 1500-Present: HI1
  Total Credits  3




If you are planning to transfer to University of Colorado Boulder, you must take either HIS 1310 or HIS 1320 to fulfill the History course requirement.