2023-2024 Catalog

GT- SC1 Any Science (GT-SC1) Course

Select one science (GT-SC1) course.  




Three GT-SC1 courses must be completed to earn your AS DegreeTwo of the three GT-SC1 courses must be sequential (e.g. BIO 1111 & BIO 1112). 

You are also required to complete a minimum of 8 credits of electives from math and science courses. These courses include ANT 1005, AST 1110, AST 1120, BIO 1005 or higher, CHE 1011 or higher, CSC 1019 or higher, ENV 1111, GEO 1011, GEO 1012, GEO 1060, GEY 1111 or higher, MAT 1240 or higher, MET 1050, PHY 1105 or higher, SCI 1055 or higher.