2023-2024 Catalog

GT- SC1 Any Science (GT-SC1) Course, A&P I w/Lab (BIO 2101) is recommended

Select one science course from GT-SC1. Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab (BIO 2101) is recommended. Students who need additional preparation in Biology prior to BIO 2101 should meet with their advisor to discuss the possible benefits of completing BIO 1111 this semester and complete Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab BIO 2101 and Microbiology w/Lab (BIO 2104) in semester 2 and Human Anatomy & Physiology II w/Lab (BIO 2102) in semester 3. 




BIO 2101    Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab: GT-SC1    4
  Total Credits 




Any science course (GT-SC1) more than 4 credit hours will reduce the elective credits needed for you to complete your degree, since these credits will apply toward your electives. Please work with your advisor to best determine which science course with lab (GT-SC1) works best for you.