2023-2024 Catalog

GEN EDU Any Approved Elective List Course

Select one course found on the Approved Elective List. Multimedia Technology faculty recommend the following courses:




COM 1150  
Public Speaking


COM 1250
Interpersonal Communication
JOU 2021
Newspaper Design I


MAR 2016
Principles of Marketing 3
MAR 2020   
Principles of Advertising 3
ART 1111
Art His Ancient/Mediev: AH1    3
ART 1112
Art History Renaiss/1900: AH1    3
ART 1113  Art His 1900 to Present: AH1  3
ART 1401
Digital Photography I 3
ART 1402  Darkroom Photography I  3
ART 1403 Digital Darkroom 3
ART 2401 Digital Photography II 3
ART 2403 Digital Photo Studio 3
  Total Credits    3

Introduction to PC Applications
Introduction to PC Applications
Complete PC Database: ACCESS
