2022-2023 Catalog

Recording Arts Technology Associate of Applied Science

My Academic Plan

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Pathways Advisor.

Program Description

This program is designed for students wanting to complete a two-year AAS Degree in Recording Arts Technology and enter the workforce. Students explore music theory, history, sight-singing, music computer applications and audio. Students build digital literacy skills in audio recording, digital editing, audio production, audio post production, live sound engineering, and film, theater, and video sound production. This program develops the knowledge and skills for entry level career options in the music recording and entertainment industry including copyright, labels, publishing, licensing, distribution, marketing, finance, and legal settings.

Learn more about this program.

First Semester

MUS 1010Music Theory I


MUS 1012Ear Training/Sight-Singing I Lab


REQUIRED Music Class I-IV, Ensemble I-IV, and/or Private Instruction I-IV


ENGLISH Composition I/II (ENG 1021/1022) or Technical Writing (ENG 1031)


MUS 1061Computer Music Applications I


MUS 1063Music Audio Production I


Total Credit Hours:14

Semester Note: It is important to contact Music Faculty for advising, assessment, and placement. For MUS 1010 and MUS 1012, faculty recommend you take MUS 1000 as preparation if you have limited experience in music notation, and this will count as your music elective. 

If you select a 2-credit course to fulfill your music requirement this semester, additional credits completed in Music Classes I-IV, Ensemble I-IV, and/or Private Instruction I-IV will reduce the number of electives required to complete this degree.  You must complete the Music Requirement (2 credits) and Music Electives (8 credits) to earn the Recording Arts AAS degree.

Second Semester

MUS 1011Music Theory II


MUS 1013Ear Training/Sight-Singing II Lab


MUS 1062Computer Music Applications II


MUS 1064Music Audio Production II


PSY 1001General Psychology I: GT-SS3


MATH Career Mathematics (MAT 1140) or Any GT-MA1


Total Credit Hours:16

Third Semester

MUS 1067Music Business I


MUS 1021Music History Medieval - Classical: GT-AH1


PHY 1105Conceptual Physics w/Lab: GT-SC1


COM 2300Intercultural Communication: GT-SS3


ELECTIVE Any Music Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Fourth Semester

REQUIRED Music Class I-IV, Ensemble I-IV, and/or Private Instruction I-IV


MUS 2065Live Audio Engineering


MUS 1022Music History Romantic - Present: GT-AH1


MUS 2084 or MUS 2089 Internship (MUS 2084) or Capstone (MUS 2089)


ELECTIVE Any Music Course


ELECTIVE Any Music Course


ELECTIVE Any Music Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Semester Note: Upon completion of MUS 1061, MUS 1063, MUS 2065, and MUS 2084/MUS 2089, you should apply for the Foundations of Recording Arts Technology Certificate

Upon completion of MUS 1010, MUS 1012, MUS 1061, MUS 1063, MUS 1067, MUS 1062, MUS 1064, MUS 2065, MUS 2084/MUS 2089, Music Requirement* (2 credits of any combination of Music Class I-IV and/or Private Instruction I-IV and/or Ensemble I-IV, and 2 credits of electives from any MUS course, you should apply for the Recording Arts Technology Certificate.

Total Credit Hours: 60

Important Program Notes:

Music Requirement: You must complete two credits from a combination of the following: Music Class I-IV (MUS 1031, MUS 1032, MUS 2031, MUS 2032), and/or Private Instruction I-IV (MUS 1041, MUS 1042, MUS 1043, MUS 1044, MUS 2041, MUS 2042, MUS 2043, MUS 2044), and/or Music Ensemble I-IV (MUS 1051, MUS 1052, MUS 1053, MUS 1054, MUS 2051, MUS 2052, MUS 2053, MUS 2054) to complete the music requirement for the Recording Arts Technology AAS Degree.

You must complete the Music Requirement (2 credits) and Music Electives (8 credits) to earn the Recording Arts Technology AAS degree.

If you take more than 2 credits in Music Class I-IV, Ensemble I-IV, and/or Private Instruction I-IV, these additional credits will be applied to the electives reducing the number of elective credit required to complete this degree. 

You should not repeat a course once successfully completed. Each Music (MUS) course can only be applied once to fulfill degree requirements.

You must complete a minimum of 60 credits to complete this degree. If receiving financial aid, you should only take courses and credits as required for this degree. Check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress.