2022-2023 Catalog

GT- SC1 Any Science (GT-SC1) Course

Select one science course from GT-SC1. Faculty recommend the following courses.




BIO 1004    Biology: A Human Approach: SC1    4
BIO 10051 Science of Biology w/Lab: SC11 4
ANT 1005    Biology Anthropology w/Lab 4
Total Credits 4-5




1BIO 1005 is recommended for students intending to transfer to Gallaudet. Either BIO 1004, BIO 1005, or ANT 1005 is recommended for students intending to transfer to University of Northern Colorado.

Any science course (GT-SC1) more than 4 credit hours will reduce the elective credits needed for you to complete your degree, since these credits will apply toward your electives. Please work with your advisor to best determine which science course with lab (GT-SC1) works best for you.