2022-2023 Catalog

ELECTIVE Wilderness Education (NRE 2065) or Principles of Outdoor Recreation (REC 2010)

Select either NRE 2065 or REC 2010 to fulfill your NRE Human Dimensions requirement (NRE 2025, NRE 2065, or REC 2010). You must complete one of these courses unless you take NRE 2025 in spring semester. 




NRE 2065   Wilderness Education   3
REC 2010 Principles of Outdoor Recreation   3
  Total Credits    3

Introduction to PC Applications
Introduction to PC Applications
Complete PC Database: ACCESS




In order to graduate with a Natural Resources Technology Associate of Applied Science, you must take 3 credits from NRE 2025, NRE 2065, or REC 2010.

You may select courses from the following to fulfill the AAS Degree elective: Any AQT course, BIO 1005, BIO 1111, BIO 1112, BIO 2121, BIO 2122, CHE 1011, CHE 1111, CHE 1112, CHE 2105, ENV 1111, FSW 1000, FSW 1001, FSW 1043, GEY 1111, GIS 2010, GIS 2012, HLT 1101, HLT 2011, HLT 2140, OUT 1250, OUT 1255, OUT 1260, REC 2010, REC 2011, REC 2012, or any NRE course.