My Academic Plan
Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your degree and
should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester,
complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please
see your Pathways Advisor.
Program Description
This program is designed for students wanting to complete a two-year AAS Degree in Early Childhood Education and enter the workforce. Students explore all facets of early childhood education techniques and strategies, child care, growth and development. This AAS degree provides training for a career involving the care and education of young children from birth through age eight. Courses in theory and internship are combined to provide a comprehensive base of growth and development. Early intervention, high-risk, gifted, and developmentally delayed issues are included. As part of this degree, students will earn two certificates - Foundations in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Director. The program meets or exceeds all Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) Office of Early Childhood licensing requirements.
Learn more about this program.
First Semester
ECE 101 | Introduction to Early Childhood Education | 3 |
ECE 238 | ECE Child Growth and Development | 3 |
ECE 103 | Guidance Strategies for Young Children | 3 |
ENG 121 | English Composition I: GT-CO1 | 3 |
PSY 101 | General Psychology I: GT-SS3 | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Second Semester
ECE 102 | Intro to ECE Techniques | 3 |
ECE 220 | Curriculum Methods/Technologies | 3 |
ECE 256 | Working w/Families & Communities | 3 |
LIT 255 | Children's Literature: GT-AH2 | 3 |
MATH | MAT 107 or Higher, MAT 120 | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Third Semester
ECE 111 | Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice | 3 |
ECE 205 | ECE Nutrition, Health and Safety | 3 |
ECE 240 | Admin of ECE Programs | 3 |
ECE 241 | Admin: Human Relations ECE | 3 |
ECE 188 | Practicum | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Fourth Semester
ECE 260 | The Exceptional Child | 3 |
ECE 288 | Practicum: Early Childhood Education | 4 |
ECE 289 | Capstone | 1 |
GT- HI1 | HIS 121/122 | 3 |
ELECTIVE | Any Early Childhood Education (ECE) Course | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 14 |
Semester Note: Upon completion of ECE 101, ECE 103, ECE 238, ECE 102, ECE 220, ECE 111, ECE 205, ECE 240, ECE 241, and ECE 260, you
should apply for the Early Childhood Director Certificate.