2020-2021 Catalog

ELECTIVE Any CAD AAS Degree Elective*

Select one Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) AAS Degree Elective* course.  Computer-Aided Drafting faculty recommend the following courses:

Course Title Credits
CAD 216    Advanced Sketchup 3
CAD 219 3DS MAX 3
CAD 224 Revit Architecture 3
CAD 227 Advanced Revit Architecture    3
CAD 255 SolidWorks/Mechanical 3
CAD 259 Advanced SolidWorks 3
CAD 264 3D Scanning and Modeling 4
CAD 266 Advanced 3D Printing 3
CAD 280 Internship 3
CAD 289 Capstone 3
Total Credits 3-4

*Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) AAS Degree Elective*: Any CAD course. You may also select up to three courses (11 credit maximum) from any AECEGGEGT, or IND course. In addition, the following courses: GIS 101, GIS 110, GIS 131, HLT 130, HLT 230, MAC 100, MAC 101, MAC 102, MAC 110, MAC 120. 




Not all courses are offered every semester.