2019-2020 Catalog

Database Administration Associate of Applied Science

My Academic Plan

Program Description

First Semester

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your award and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Pathways Advisor.

CIS 115Introduction to Computer Information Systems


CIS 118Introduction to PC Applications


ELECTIVE CSC 119 or Any Emphasis Course


ENGLISH ENG 131, ENG 121, or ENG 122


MATH Any GT-MA1, MAT 121 or higher


Total Credit Hours:15-16

Second Semester

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your award and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Pathways Advisor.

CIS 145Complete PC Database: ACCESS


CIS 155PC Spreadsheet Concepts: Excel


CIS 128Operating System: Using Linux & Microsoft Windows


ELECTIVE Any Emphasis Course:__________


GEN EDUPHI 112/205, or Any Approved Elective List Course


Total Credit Hours:15

Third Semester

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your award and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Pathways Advisor.

CNG 201Linux Configuration: (OS)


CIS 240Database Design and Development


CIS 243Introduction to SQL


ELECTIVE CIS 268, 246, 252, 254, 256, 280, or CSC 252


BUS 217Business Communication and Report Writing


Total Credit Hours:15-16

Fourth Semester

Courses are displayed to show the fastest path to your award and should be completed in the order listed. If you are unable to complete all courses listed in a semester, complete as many courses in this sequence as your schedule allows. If you have questions or concerns about your MAP, please see your Pathways Advisor.

ELECTIVE CIS 254, 246, 252, 256, 268, 280, or CSC 252


ELECTIVE CIS 256, 246, 252, 254, 268, 280, or CSC 252


ELECTIVE CIS 246, 252, 254, 256, 268, 280, or CSC 252


GEN EDUPHI 112/205, or Any Approved Elective List Course


GEN EDUPHI 112/205, or Any Approved Elective List Course


Total Credit Hours:15-17

Total Credit Hours: 60-62