ELECTIVE FSW 100/101 or NRE 121/205/215/220/280/285


Select one emphasis elective course from below. Natural Resources Technology faculty recommend the following courses:


Course   Title   Credits
FSW 100   S-190 Intro to Wildland Fire   1
FSW 101  S-130 Firefighting Training  2
NRE 121 Introduction to Hydrology
NRE 205 Wildlife/Fisheries Mgmt  
NRE 215 Fire Ecology 3
NRE 220 Forest Harvesting 2
NRE 280 Internship  3* 
NRE 285 Independent Study 1-6
  Total Credits    1-5

*Note: NRE 280 can be taken for 1-6 credits. In addition, students may not apply more than 3 credits in Internship and/or Independent Study coursework to any Certificate pathway in Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources.


Introduction to PC Applications
Introduction to PC Applications
Complete PC Database: ACCESS
