2019-2020 Catalog

ELECTIVE Emphasis Course:__________

Select one course from below.

Course  Title   Credits 
ACC 101  Fundamentals of Accounting   3
ACC 121 Accounting Principles I 4
ACC 245 Computerized Acct Prof Pkg 3
BUS 115     Introduction to Business  3
BUS 216 Legal Environment of Business 3
BUS 217 Business Comm & Report Writing 3
BUS 226 Business Statistics 3
HIT 105 Prin of Healthcare Reimbursement  3
HPR 101 Customer Service in Healthcare 2

Total Credits 2-4

Note: Select a total of 6-8 elective credits over the course of the program. If you take a HPR 101 in Semester 3 or Semester 4, you will need to take an additional 3 credit elective in Semester 4.

